Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When It Rains...Damnit, it pours!!!!!

Im seriously about to my end. I think I am going to crack. Im not really sure what more I can be put through at this point before I literally go over the freaking edge!! So, everyone remembers that I had a wreck last month correct? Well, I finally got my car back on friday night (yay). However, on Thursday, my Blazer was in a lot of pain when he went to the bathroom. So, we got to throw down a nice little chunk of money to a vet that we have never seen before (our normal vet is on vacay) who talked to me like I was an idiot and made me feel guilty for not wanting to spend over $400 on my dog at one time. Blaze has a urinary infection and crystals in his urine. The vet's suggestion?? Fork out over $500 over the next 4 weeks for a special canned food and then switch his diet to S.cien.ce D.iet for the rest of his life (a prescription food, that you can only get from your vet mind you). Well, Im sorry, but there has to be another option!!

So, last night I receive a phone call around 11:15 from my hubby. He was hit by a drunk driver and more than likely his truck is totaled. He was on his way home from work and the guy flew right through the stop sign (going at least 70) on a little side street. The guy smacked into G, which made him spin all the way around, and the guy went sailing right into the living room of a house. The idiot climbed out his back window (of his truck) and tried to run away. He didnt get very far because by that time all the neighbors had emerged and made sure the cops were called.

Hubby is alright thankfully. We took a trip to the emergency room just to get him checked out. Im pretty sure his truck is beyond repair. We will find out soon enough.

Can I just say....I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more!!!! I cant take anything else right now!!!!! Just give me a break for a while!


Sarah said...

Oh man...I'm really sorry. So glad to hear your husband is ok though. Car accidents are very scary.

Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Pour it did! I am so glad to hear that your hubs is okay and he walked out of the scene. Sounds v v scary.
And WOW... $500 for a month of food is a LOT! When does your vet get back? Hope that he has a better option.

Mrs Woggie said...

That really sucks. Why do all of things happen at once.

Glad that you husband is ok - I hope your pup will be too.

Katie said...

Oh gosh Meg I'm so sorry! I'm glad to hear G is okay, he was very lucky. Lets pray this streak of unfortunate events ends soon.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that all of this has happened!! At least G wasn't hurt!!! I hope things start to get better for you guys!!

Whitney said...

I'm so sorry! I feel like my life is pouring right now too because we were just in a bad accident as well. It's been a really crappy year. I keep hoping the sun will start shining soon! Good luck.