Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What's that you say?? How long?? Oh you HAVE to be pregnant! No?

This has been the longest cycle that I have ever had in my life!! I'm pretty sure that I have never gone 54 days without having my period start. Maybe in like Junior High, but I am pretty sure that even with my endo I have been pretty regular. Granted there were a couple months where I was about 2 weeks late, but never have I gone this long. It's a little weird to me...

My last two Prometrium pills were taken Sunday night, so AF should be coming along any day now. I feel and look bloated, so I wish she would just get her bitchy self here already!! Or am I the bitchy one? I'm pretty sure it goes both ways, right ladies? :)

We dog sat all last week for my in-laws. She is known as the little Princess by my MIL. Let me introduce to you, Miss Chloe Lynn, AKA "Little Shit".

In all of her 6 lbs of Ocherese fury, she will put my 140 lb Great Dane in his place. Whether this involves grabbing his lip while they are playing or kicking him out of bed for the entire week because she needs her space under the covers (I kid you not, Blaze slept on the couch alllllll week long). She ate HIS food all week underneath the kitchen table. She is given water via Dixie cups and will inform you when she would like some fresh with continuous barking and growling.

Lets just say, she is high maintenance. She is my MIL's pride and joy. No offense to little dog lovers, but I for one, will NEVER have a small dog in my household :)

On to other news...oh wait, there isnt any other news. Life is just plugging along over here in Southern Indiana. Oh yes, while at a wedding, one of the guys that I grew up with and his wife informed me that they will be trying to start their family this fall. I have a feeling we will be getting another announcement really soon.....


VA Blondie said...

Poor Blaze! Our girl Dane, Gertrude, is also constantly attacked by small dogs. I understand completely! I hope you are doing some special stuff for Blaze while the obnoxious visitor is there.

We opted not to get a small dog because most of them are so obnoxious. We love our Danes! Best dogs ever!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, those long cycles suck. I remember my worst was 90-something days back in 2004. It ended up being stress-related b/c we had just moved overseas. But that was when I realized we may have a serious problem TTC.
Oh, I've always wanted a Great Dane! They are so beautiful :)
Hope AF stops lolligagging and shows up already!

Sarah said...

Wtf?! You still havent gotten your period?! Geez. I'm sorry hun!

And the dog...sounds EXTREMELY high maintenance. Is your MIL?.

Megs said...

VA Blondie - What makes it so crazy is that he doesn't let ANY other dog do this to him. He is very dominant, except with her.

callmemama - Great Danes are an awesome breed!! They are so good natured!! He is probably the best dog I have ever had :)

Sarah - Yea, WTF?! is right. It's not cool. The dog is very high maintenance...the MIL is not so much :)

Anonymous said...

Oh the dreaded announcements....

My big dog is the same way with little dogs!