Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm sick. life is boring, taking a hiatus

I dont have a whole lot to blog about at the moment. Things have been normal around here other than this flipping sinus infection that I have. My nose is so raw that it has bled at times when I blow it...yuck! And ouch!!

There are so many of you out there that I keep up with daily who are doing IVF. Truthfully, I'm a little jealous. I wish that we could be going through IVF right now, but considering our lack of coverage, it's impossible. Oh well. I'm rooting for all of you.

I'm a little perterbed at the moment. My sister told me that I could borrow her 3 children at any time...on Fac.ebo.ok...for all the world to see. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even read my blog anymore, if so, sorry. I took a stupid little quiz that predicts how many children you are going to have, mine came out with 4, so my response was 'lets get #1 out first', which was not to imply that we are having issues with fertility. I get a comment from my sister for all of my 'friends' to see, that it will happen when it's the right time and that I can borrow 1,2,or 3 of her children anytime. Thanks, D, for letting everyone know my problems.

I think I am going to take a break from blogging for a while. There isn't much to write about considering we are not going through any treatments at the present. I will be reading everyone else's blogs that are on my list and commenting, but there won't be much activity for a while over here, unless we happen to win the lottery. Fat chance.


'Murgdan' said...

Hang in there...the waiting (and the money) are the incredibly frustrating parts. I hope you feel better...and I hope you kick your sister in the shin. That was not nice to put on Facebook. :-(

Kelli said...

Sorry about your sister's lack of judgment...not cool.

I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Melissa Griffin said...

Hey Meg -

I can certainly understand that taking a break - it will be good for you too to nto have to think about what to say - sometimes I am like that too....I have a question - is Indiana one of the states that does not mandate IF coverage?
I am sorry that IVF is something that is not covered or in your budget right now...
Thinking of you!

Just Believing said...

I;m waiting to win the lotterty too :) Glad im not the only one

I know how you feel girl...im always thinking about you and us other IF girls :)

Sarah said...

Sometimes, family sucks. Thankfully my sister is the bestest! My friend however is not. She took it upon herself, after me already explaining to her that my personal business was just that...PERSONAL to tell all of the guys I used to work with about our fertility issues. Not that I'm ashamed of my situation in any way shape or form, its just that I should be the one who decides who gets to know certain things.

Anonymous said...

I have a sister who seems to be part bunny rabbit also (she's had 4 babies in the past 5-6 yrs) and she is always trying to loan a couple to me as well.

It's nice to take a break, I'm doing the same and loving it. Hope things get better.