Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Those clients say the darndest things

I mean really...they crack me up sometimes. Well...long story short... Has anyone ever heard the term "Boobin it"? Because when I first heard it, I about peed my pants. It's not called breastfeeding anymore kids, it's called "boobin it", "boobin him/her", etc. and so on. Hehe. Maybe Im just the only one who gets a kick out of this, but I found it quite hilarious and it still cracks me up every time I hear this girl say it. Because she "boobed" her 2 month old for a little while. Oh goodness.

I am in baby heaven, but trying not to overstep any boundaries with my client and her new baby. It's a fine line I have to walk because I hear the comments that she makes about others when they handle the baby and it isnt to her liking. She is a very, very, very protective mother right now, which I do not think is a bad thing. She lives in a shelter with about 15 other women and children, so Im glad that she is setting rules/guidelines. I am always itching to snatch her up and hold her any chance that I get :) she is an absolutely beautiful baby.

I am so incredibly jealous.


Anonymous said...

It's good thing that this mother actually cares about her child. Hopefully, she'll love her enough to give her up if she is unable to properly care for her, even if it's through an open adoption. Hopefully her situation is a temporary one, if not she should consider other options for this baby.

I know what you mean about being jealous, my sister is scheduled to deliver number 4 on Monday via c-section.

Anonymous said...

i was taught not to use the word, or slang really, and it's a shame the world has devalued so many things about women, including their breasts...this became used more often when implants became a more typical thing

i don't find it funny on a large level, it's very sad

Anonymous said...

Yes I have heard that phrase!