Monday, April 13, 2009

Interpreting my Dreams

I have had some of the strangest and most vivid dreams the past several nights. Some have been pretty pointless, but others might possibly have some kind of meaning. I'm not one to interpret dreams too much, usually just passing them off as another goofy dream. Two in particular have caught my attention.

~ The first one, which actually occurred last night was all about a certain friend. This friend was someone that I grew up with, literally. We were next door neighbors pretty much our entire lives until I was about 18, when we moved. She is a couple years younger than I, but we have always been like sisters and pretty much inseperable. Well, she moved away last summer to Los Angeles to pursue her dreams of cosmetology/styling/modeling. She is really starting to make things happen and I am so excited for her. She is extremely passionate about fashion and finishing cosmetology school.

I miss her. In my dream, I had went to visit her in the big city, but she was too busy to make time for me. I was mad that she did not call me, she was mad that I did not call her. There is more to the dream, but the rest is pretty goofy :) I haven't talked to her in quite a while. We chatted over Facebook a couple months ago, but that was the last I had talked to her. I think it's time to pick up the phone and call. Actually, it's past time. My dream was definitely very directive! :)

~ And the other one...Oh the other one. This occurred Saturday night and if you recall from a couple posts ago I am in a fragile place right now. It's a good place, but can be disrupted at any time.'s getting close to being disrupted.

I don't really remember most of the events that took place in this dream, however, I remember the end result. The end result was hubby and I with two babies a couple days apart. How does this happen you ask? Well, we were in the midst of trying to adopt and of course, find out that I am pregnant. We decide to adopt a newborn and then two days later we have our own baby. Cliche' right? Yeah, I thought so too. It's the whole "such and such adopted and then found out they were pregnant" thing. I don't like those scenarios, but then again, I do. I hate hearing about them, but I am glad that it occurs.

I really hope that my dream is telling me that I will get pregnant someday. I just don't know. And how ironic that it occurred the night before Easter?

See? Disruptions of the fragile place...

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