Friday, September 5, 2008


Im stuck in a rut and I feel like I am drowning. It feels like I am suffocating. I dont know what to do to get out of it. It just kind of hit me like a huge truck. Im so angry today. I have no idea what my deal is. Which makes me even more frustrated. Today is just not a good day at all.

Im really glad that it's Friday because I think if I had to go through another day of work, I would rip out my hair. Okay, maybe it's my job. I find myself getting extremely frustrated at the smallest things and losing my patience very, very quickly with some of my coworkers. I feel like Im being super negative all the time, but I dont know what else to do to make it better. So again, Im stuck.

That's where my life is right now. Stuck in a constant state of anger and sadness. Anger over the fact that we are so much in debt with all of this that it really scares me. Anger because I dont understand why this is happening to us. Sadness because we may never be able to have the family we so desperately want.

I have found that I put on a wonderful act when it is needed. Throw on the smiles when everyone asks how things are going, but deep down inside is another story. There's a lot of pain. Pain that isnt going away.


Sarah said...

I'm sorry sweetie, I wish I had some words to comfort you. I know how hard this is. While our stories arent the same, they both hold pain none the less. I feel for you. And wish for things to get better with speed!


I Believe in Miracles said...

I'm so sorry!! I hope you get a chance to relax, rest, and refresh some this weekend.
***BIG HUGS***

Mel said...

Ahhh...hun. I wish I had all the answers for you. I wish I could reach over and give you a great big hug. It's so hard to put on the "face" and play the "game" every day, isn't it? It's not fair.

As I've mentioned before, it's not right that people like you and I can't "afford" to be mommies.

Thinking of you this weekend...*hugs*

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel ;(
I'm sorry.