Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Decor

Just wanted everyone to know that I have decorated my blog for Christmas :) Whoo hoo! As you can see, I am a little bored at work right now. We are trying to decide what we would like for lunch today.

Spoke with the nurse at my Dr. office. Im supposed to wait a couple more days, and if AF has not shown, then I have to call back in and they will do some bloodwork and then see if they need to force my period to start. Not cool. So that's all I know for now, I still feel the same as I did earlier.


Anonymous said...

i went to the Dr on CD 42 last week b/c nothing was happening and all the hpts were bfns (wishful thinking!)...bloodwork showed i had just recently ovulated and should get my period in the next week or two. well 3 days later it showed up promptly on what would have been CD46....never know i suppose...good luck!

I Believe in Miracles said...

Very cute! Glad you have a plan.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog ... I love your Christmas decor, I'm also a part of the endo club, stage iv.

I sometimes get anovulatory cycles, the last time my doc gave me provera to make my period start. It worked.