Wednesday, May 27, 2009

She's still a No-Show of today, there is still no AF. This would make it somewhere around 47ish days? I have it written down at home (Im at work). I called my Doctor yesterday because I was out of town from Wednesday til Saturday last week and they got me in for some b/w this morning first thing.

Received a phone call back around 1:15 and was told that no, I am definitely not pregnant and that my estradiol level was definitely higher than they would like to see it. So...I have to go and pick up some prometrium tonight so that we can get my cycle rolling. This will be the first time that I have taken prometrium. The last time they prescribed it, my period started the next day :) tricky little shit she is.

When my nurse called back, I informed her that we may need to check out my thyroid, just in case. My sister has a history of Hypothyroidism (which Im pretty sure I told them last year at my initial visit), but I never had any baseline lab work done. Hmmm??? So, I am supposed to be receiving a phone call back for that. They had enough blood from my draw today to be able to run the thyroid test(s) without needing more. So...Im guessing they will give me a call tomorrow.

I just want to make sure we are checking everything just in case. Which, it should have been done from the get go. Oh well. Is it Friday yet????


Sarah said...

Y'know, 5 years ago I would have said "huzzah"! to not getting my period for 45 days. Back in the time when having my period was just an annoyance. Now, hearing you say you're having such difficulties because yours wont show makes me sad. I'm sorry you're dealing with all this crap. Boooo!

Hopefully they can get things rolling, and you'll be able to move on.


Anonymous said...

Oy. Good luck, I haven't taken that medicine. I do recommend some base line bloodwork. It's a lot, but the results (or lack of results) were reassuring for us to know.