Monday, March 1, 2010

Lots to report!

Ah, I have so much to update!! I truly am finding it impossible to blog while I am at now that I am back to work, I will try to update as much as I can :)

Which brings me to my first topic....I am back to work. It sucks. I wish I could stay at home with my little man. However, the hospital bills on top of all of our regular bills are pounding at my doorstep. So, back to work I had to go. This is my second week back. My first day back didn't go too bad, it was just super long. Each day slowly got better. As long as I am keeping myself busy, I am okay :) Even though, I miss my little man like crazy! I rush out the door at 5 so that I can pick him up from the sitter as soon as possible.

He is doing really well at the sitter's. She only has him for a total of 3 hours a day. The rest of the day he is with his daddy. They are getting along great too :) I am so proud of my hubby!

We have made a breakthrough!! I am pleased to report that he is now fully nursing from me! (well, when I am home from work) This Saturday was the first day it happened. I was so excited!! And, he has decided that he does not have an issue with my right side anymore, which makes me very happy! No more having to use the nipple shield to get him to nurse!! Yay! It's exciting stuff I tell you...

And I am not really sure where the time has gone, but my little man will be 2 months old this Friday! He is getting really good at holding his head up (we still wobble a little, but he is getting steadier) and he is starting to make a couple more little sighs. He is also starting to notice things more. I can't believe how much he has changed since we brought him home from the hospital.

We go for our 2 month checkup on Monday...he is getting more shots and I think I might cry at this one. The nurse warned us that the shots this time are much worse than any of the others he has had. I am definitely not looking forward to it. I don't like to hear my little man crying.

I think that's all for now! I am trying to catch up on blogs and send please don't think I am not reading, because I definitely am!


Chelle said...

I am so sad you are already back at work. :( Maternity leave just does not last long enough. It doesn't seem like it has been two months yet. At least he isn't with a sitter for too long. My husband worked from home until our daughter was 9 months old, so that really helped me when I went back to work.

I am glad you are enjoying being a mommy so much. There is nothing like it in the world.

Glad to have you back in the blogosphere!


What IF? said...

Our ped suggested giving the girls half a dose of Ty.lenol before and half after receiving the vaccines. I wish I'd known prior to their 2-month appointment to give them Ty.lenol. I'm such a rookie; I had no clue! They were fine during/after that doctor's appointment and took a good nap when we got home, but then all three woke up screaming and we couldn't get them settled. They had a MUCH better experience after their 4-month vaccines. Good luck on Monday!

Bethany Lenhart said...

How did you get him off the nipple shield? My little man does not like my nipples and nurses very well on the nipple shield but I would like to not have to use it. Any ideas?