Thursday, September 2, 2010

Weaning... :(

So my supply has been slowly dwindling down for the past couple of months. I am not really sure what caused it to do this. The only thing I can think of, my body was not responding well to me having to pump. I haven't been able to keep up with A's intake for quite some time now and we have had to supplement with formula at least one bottle a day throughout the week. Of course, on the weekends, I would try to breastfeed as often as possible to try to get my supply back up, but it just isn't happening.

This, of course, makes me incredibly sad because I was really hoping to breastfeed through this whole first year. So, I have started to wean my little man slowly. I am now down to pumping only once during the day and then I breastfeed him right before he goes to bed and then throughout the night and for his first feeding in the morning. I will soon be taking out either the morning feeding or the right before bedtime feeding. I am leaning toward the right before bedtime feeding in hopes that he will stop waking up every night at midnight for a That would at least cut out one time of waking up (hopefully). He still wakes up at least 2 or 3 times a night for a little snack. Anyone have any suggestions as to which feeding would be the best to stop next?

I think I have done really well getting to the 8 month mark (this sunday...oh. my.) especially given how much trouble we had in the beginning. And maybe that's why I have never really been able to keep up with how much my little man consumes from a bottle. I don't know. I just know that this is really hard for me right now because I love the bonding time we get. But I will make it through :)

P.S. We are loving our new daycare!!! It's so nice to have a happy baby when he gets dropped off and when he gets picked up!


Chelle said...

I would take out the feeding just before bed, simply because forumula will sustain him longer, meaning he will wake up less, and you will be able to get more undisturbed sleep.

I had a really hard time when I had to quit breast feeding too. I felt so guilty, but I kept reminding myself I had to do what was best for both of us, and I had done everything I could. Of course, I got mastitis, and it cut my supply so much it wasn't worth keeping going.

Good luck with the weaning. :)

Sarah said...

I hated to wean, but it is nice when it's done. I think once I got down to just bedtime, middle of the night, morning I cut morning, then bed time, and last middle of the night. He was 13 months old and woke at least once a night for a snack. He then was in bed with us and may snack again if he wanted to. Once I weaned him he woke up the first two nights and when he found out it was regular milk in a sippy cup he decided he wouldn't bother. HE has been sleeping through the night ever since!

Mel said...

It's tough to give up that special bonding time with baby, isn't it?! I was in the same boat as you early on. Bf'ing was really challenging (and messy!!) but I almost miss it now that he's been weaned for awhile. Just think of how awesome you've done for 8 months! :)

How is Blaze doing now that your little guy is more moblie? Segen is walking and loves to chase Duke around. Duke doesn't know what to think...he usually tries to hide behind us.

So, so glad daycare is going well! *hugs*

Toyin O. said...

Sounds like you are doing good with the baby.