Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The teeth...they are coming...

I would just like to say.....I believe we have begun the teething process. The last 3 nights have been, wonderful *sarcasm* :) A has gone back to being up every 2-3 hours and then when he falls asleep, wakes up as soon as his head lays on the mattress. I blame my hubby for this by the way....the whole waking up as soon as he is laid down part. Hubby likes to sleep with him in the la-z-boy pretty much every morning. I think he has gotten used to it. Which makes it incredibly hard for me to put him down at night and throughout the night. Any sudden move wakes him up immediately.

So, on with the whole teething thing...yea, I do believe that is what is happening. I know that at this stage everything goes to the mouth as soon as it's in his hands anyway, but instead of sucking on his pacifier, we are now literally gnawing the dang thing. There is no more sucking, it's all out going to town gumming.

I ended up getting, oh, about 4 hours of sleep last night. He was literally awake for about a 2 1/2 hour stretch at one point. Let me just say, almost all of last week, we were getting anywhere from 5-7 hour stretches at night. It was heavenly! This all came crashing down Sunday night.

So, last night, we went for the infant tylenol, baby orajel, and a teether. It worked for the most part. He at least slept for another hour and a half.

Are there any other suggestions?? Something I might be missing? I have been told to get teething tablets. Not exactly sure what these are, but dang it, I am heading to tonight to get some! :)

1 comment:

Chelle said...

That is so hard when they are awake that much in the night and all you want to do is sleep. Poor little kids.

I'm not sure what to tell you about the teething. My daughter wouldn't even take cool teething rings to help soothe her gums, so she pretty much just grinned and bared it. I did give her regular doses of tylenol though. That usually seemed to help.

I hope you are able to get some good sleep soon!