Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Update!! :)

I am really slacking in the posting department!! So sorry about that!! Things are moving along so fast around here and I have been so incredibly busy, it's been crazy!

I began a new job on October 1 with the same agency that I have been with since May of 2006. It has been ridiculous! It's a brand new program so therefore we have been bombarded with phone calls to get people in to determine their eligibility. It's a great program, but when people hear "free" money, they come out of the woodwork.

So, not only have I started this new job, but marching band has taken over my life outside of my normal work week. We are practicing at least 3 nights a week now and we are getting into the final weeks, which are usually the most intense since we have to cram changes in so quickly. I feel like my time is literally flying by!!

I have another Dr. appointment on Tuesday morning :) I will be getting close to 24 weeks! Which means, I will have to do a glucose test before too long. I am getting bigger, finally :) lol. I have noticed within the past week or so a difference. And...he is kicking. They are getting stronger, but you can't always feel them from the outside just yet. Every so often I can, but hubby has yet to be able to feel them. I can't wait for that day! Hopefully here before too long!

We finally started to register a couple weeks ago. We spent an hour and a half in B.ab.ies R. U.s and only got through maybe half of the store. We still have so much to register for and I have no idea when we are going to finish!! I would really like to finish soon, but with hubby on 2nds, we can't go through the week. I also would really like for us to take some classes through the hospital so that we are a little more prepared for this baby to come :) however, I have no idea when we are going to have time to do that! I really want to take the breastfeeding class, so i am thinking that will have to be done on my own. Ah!

Well, need to get back to my busy crazy job! Will update again soon!!


Chelle said...

Sometimes life happens. When does the marching season end? I remember fondly the days of marching in the snow with an ice cold horn against my lips and hands. Burr!!

I highly recommend the breast feeding class. I didn't take one and totally regretted it. I figured it couldn't be all that hard. I was wrong!

Hang in there!

Sarah said...

So glad to hear things are going well!

Bethany Lenhart said...

I feel just like you...we have 10 months to prepare, but life is so busy, all of a sudden there isn't enough time!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job!!!