Friday, October 16, 2009

Name Wars...

Okay...I have to vent. I am a little perterbed at the moment with one of hubby's cousins. Hubby and I have had a name picked out pretty much since we were married for a boy. So, as luck would have it, we are being blessed with a boy. Well, I have the joy of finding out through FB that a cousin, who is not due until March (mid-late) has decided to use the exact same name as us. Upon mentioning the fact that hubby and I had decided on that name also, I am basically told that they will not be changing the name, with a nice little non-chalant "sorry Meg".

Call me a bitch and a little selfish, but I'm ticked. I guess the good thing is that our little bundle of joy will be born at least a month ahead of theirs. Really, I did not think we were going to have to worry about something like this. Lucky me huh?? So...any suggestions? Because the name we have picked out hubby and I have been set on FOREVER. I mean, 3 years, seriously.

Need I say more?? Other than, we worked our asses off to get pregnant, literally, and they get an "oops! now we need to get married sooner". Yea, I'm a bitch, I know :) lol. But it's justified right??


Just Believing said...

i'd be ticked too!!!! ugh! people sometimes!

Katie said...

Yea I'm with you on that. Keep the name and they can get over it. Sorry if it sounds mean. You guys have had a crazy struggle to get pregnant and now after all those hard times you should be able to enjoy it and have what you want. They should really be more understanding too since you've had it picked out for so long.

Sarah said...

Totally justified. Screw her. You had it first, and your little boy will have the name first. They are posers. lol.

I'd be pissed too.

Christina said...

Aaaargh! That is so frustrating. But I wouldn't let it sway your decision. Like you said, you'll have your baby plenty ahead of them and then it will look like they were the copycats. Plus, you can just tell people that you have literally had the name picked out for YEARS! Nobody can argue with that!

I know it's probably stressful (and really, just irritating more than anything), but in the big scheme of things, hopefully it will be okay.

Megs said...

Thanks guys :) lol. It makes me feel better to know that I am justified with my feelings. Even though, it still gets to me. Oh well. Hubby thinks it's funny...of course :)

Chelle said...

You're having your baby first. It will look like they copied you, which they basically did. Tell them to cram it with walnuts.

Bethany Lenhart said...

That would totally get to me. NOT FAIR!!! It is so hard to find a name...geez.