Thursday, December 25, 2008

Still not really feeling it...

The Holiday Cheer that is. Yes, I have had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with family that I do not get to see that often, but Im still pretty bummed. Last night and today were exceptionally hard. Last night at one family event we had 8 kids with the age ranges of 2 months to 11 years. Yes, 5 of those were my nieces and nephews, but still. Then today we had, oh my goodness, kids from the age of 4 months to 11. There were 11 kids on this side of the family in that range. A little overwhelming because most of them were under the age of 4! Talk about a heartbreaker...

Oh by the way...2 more pregnancy announcements on top of that. One due in June and the other due in July. Bummer.

**For a few people that read my blog and get a little confused, I have included a link on the sidebar that takes you to the abbreviations. Sorry bout that S!


Kristin said...

Sorry the family gatherings were so tough. Here's hoping there will be more to celebrate next year.

Wishing you a very blessed New Year.


Echloe said...

Sorry that your holiday was trying. I know the feeling. we had a newborn (2 weeks old) at our Christmas celebrations. So not fun. Hopefully next Christmas you'll have a little one to add to the festivities.

Faith said...

Hang in there -- our time will come!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean...between all of the babies and fertiles giving tips on achieving pregnancy - the holidays can be real bummers.

Mel said...

Yucky. I'm so sorry that you weren't able to fully enjoy Christmas this year. It's TOTALLY understandable...and OK to have those feelings! :) Here's looking forward to a fresh new year! *hugs*

Billy said...

Seeing all these other pregnancies and not being there yourself - that totaly sucks. And having to celebrate with all those little kids around.. I can completly relate. Hope next Christmas will be a better one!


Petrucia said...

having all these babies around make it extra hard around this time.
wishing you good luck this year. May you have special announcements, or a baby in your arms when the next holiday season is here. :)

Barreness said...

Yeah, Christmas is tough for me too. So many little kids, little toys, birth announcements, 'helpful' advice from family.

I just went for the good food and tried to ignore the rest!

I Believe in Miracles said...

I hear you about family gatherings being tough. That's what my Thanksgiving was like.

I am hoping for next year for you.


Anonymous said...

Dropping by to tell you I just started the "Mommy Wanna Be Club" if you wanna join! It's proving to be a great community where we have discussions and network to support each other in our efforts start a family.

Just Me. said...

OOh, that's gotta be tough. I find it hard during family gatherings like that. Thank Goodness, we're living far far far away from them during this festive holidays.

Happy New Year and here's to a better year in 2009


Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to deal with kids and PG bellies over the holidays. Hang in there and let's hope that 2009 is the year for all of us!