Thursday, November 5, 2009

Down to the double digits!

Okay...does everyone see that ticker over there???? That's right, I'm in the double-digits!!! Whoo hoo!! Time is flying by so fast!! I can't believe it.

I stood in line for the H1N1 vaccine for 3 1/2 hours yesterday. Well, I brought a chair and my coworker (who falls into the chronic illness category) brought a blanket. The clinic started at 2, so we were there by noon :) I finally got the vaccine at 3:30pm. I feel much better now. Especially after hearing that my neice tested positive for it just yesterday. Really glad I was able to get the vaccine.

I go back to the Dr. on the 17th for a Post-Glucose test and my next OB appt. I'm really hoping that I do not have to go back for the more extensive test. After this next appointment, I will start seeing my Dr. every 2 weeks. Which, by the way, is craziness!! Because that means we are getting so much closer to the end!'s truly amazing.

I have one big baby shower coming up the first weekend in December. I'm excited, but I think I will have mixed emotions. Happy, of course, but I will always remember what it took to get to this point. Oh, the journey.


Sarah said...

Good, I'm so glad you were able to get the vaccine! My son and mother both had H1N1. Was NOT fun.

Glad to hear all is well with you.


Bethany Lenhart said...

Yeah! Congrats on the double digits and getting the swine flu. That is huge!